AntiqueFootball Helmet Grading

All individuals authorized to provide helmet grading services on behalf of AntiqueFootball shall strictly follow and adhere to the following guiding principles:

II. Physical Inspection

No Helmet Grading Certificate shall be provided without performing a comprehensive in-person physical inspection in accordance with AntiqueFootball's Helmet Grading Protocol.

VI. Grading Compensation

AntiqueFootball's compensation schedule for helmet grading services shall be fixed and shall not vary based on helmet grade, sale amount, or any other factor.

VII. Sale Solicitation Prohibited

No individual performing grading services on behalf of AntiqueFootball shall attempt to purchase a helmet from a registrant to resell for profit.

I. Registrant Anonymity

Registrant anonymity is to be protected at all times. Personal information shall not be shared with other collectors or any third-party company without registrant request or permission.

Code of Ethics

III. Grading Experts

The name and qualifications of the helmet grading expert shall be provided to the registrant for approval prior to initiating a Helmet Grading Certificate.

IV. Repeatability

Grading experts shall evaluate helmets in strict conformance with AntiqueFootball's Helmet Grading Protocol. The tolerance between multiple evaluators should not exceed 3.00 points.

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V. Transparency

AntiqueFootball shall provide a detailed explanation of all deductions taken to arrive at a helmet grading score and provide examples of similar grades issued upon request.

Register A Helmet
Helmet Registry
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Contact Us
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Helmet Grading Code of Ethics
Vintage Helmet Grading Protocol